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質問1Q 初めてなのですがどうしたらいいですか?

​Q: I'm interested in getting a tattoo, but it's my first time. What do you suggest?


A 先ずはタトゥー雑誌、Google、SNS…などから



A: First of all,​ use publications, websites, SNS and so on to get some ideas and find pictures that match what you have in mind.

Then, once you've decided the size, location on your body, and budget, get in touch with us by phone to arrange a consultation.




質問2 Q 何歳からタトゥーは彫れますか?

Q: What is the minimum age for customers?


A 18歳以上で高校在籍中でない方なら可能です。


A: 18 and over. However, high school students are not allowed.

※Some form of identification with a photograph is required. 



質問3 Q 施術当日はどんな服装が良いですか?

  Q: What should I wear for my appointment?


A 万が一インクが飛んで汚れてしまうこともあるかもしれないので汚れても良い服装


A: Due to the possibility of ink stains, it is recommended that you wear clothes

that either do not stain easily (for example, dark colors) or are not for usual, daily wear.




質問4 Q タトゥーを彫るとMRIに入れないって本当ですか?

 ​Q: Is it true that you can't get an MRI in Japan if you have a tattoo?


A 当スタジオで施術されたお客様でMRIでのトラブルは一件もありません。


A: According to past customers of our studio, there should be no issues with getting an MRI even with a tattoo.

If you have any concerns, please consult a physician first.




質問5 Q 妊娠中ですがタトゥーは彫れますか?

 Q: Is it possible to get a tattoo if I am currently pregnant?


A 残念ながら当スタジオではご遠慮いただいております。

A: Unfortunately, our studio has certain reservations about this and

we will be unable to offer our services to you during your pregnancy. 



質問6 Q 日焼けしてても彫れますか?


A 過度な日焼けの場合施術をお断りする場合がございますので


 Q: Can I still get a tattoo even if I have a sunburn?

A: Due to their impact on tattoos, we cannot offer our services in the case of excessive sunburns.

As such, it is best to discuss the matter during a consultation in person first.



質問7 Q 施術前の注意することは?

 Q: Are there any precautions I should take prior to my appointment? 


A 前日はアルコールは控えてください当日は空腹を避けて


​A: To ensure that you are clear-headed on the day of your appointment,

we ask that you abstain from consuming alcohol the day before and the on the day of your appointment.

Also, please make sure you are properly rested. 




質問8 Q 当日に彫れますか?

  Q:Can I get a tattoo today?

A 空き状況とデザインによって当日も大丈夫です。

A: If we are free, we may accept depending on the design.





質問9 Q 友達の付き添いは可能ですか?

Q:Can I bring a friend along with me?

A もちろん問題ありませんが、大人数でのご来店はご遠慮ください。

A: Absolutely! This isn't a problem provided all individuals are of adult age.

However, please be mindful of the number of individuals who accompany you.




質問10 Q 痛いですか?

 Q: Does it hurt?

A 痛みは個人差がありますが比較的痛みの少ない場所は腕の外側


A: Pain thresholds vary by individuals, but different parts of the body will illicit different levels of pain.

You'll feel comparatively little pain on your arm whereas the small of the back, buttocks, ankles, top of the foot, and elbow and other areas where the skin is closer to the bones will likely be more painful. 


Chamber36Tattoo Studio
​Himeji main shop




3-346-1 Usazaki Kita, Shirahama-cho, Himeji-shi, Hyogo-ken 672-8013

 彩躯術三十六房/Chamber36 Tattoo Studio

Tel/Fax: 079-280-5788

Business hours


10:00 - 20:00

Wed.Thu : closed

Hadaeya Fukusuke




3-8 Sakura-cho, オーナーズビル10-A, Akashi-shi, Hyogo-ken 673-0885


Tel: 080-4564-4947


10 minutes on foot from both JR and Sanyo Akashi stations.

Business hours


10:00 - 20:00

Open every day

Chamber27Tattoo Studio
In front of the Himeji station​



 兵庫県姫路市駅前町222 姫路第一ビル3F

222-3F HimejiEkimae-cho, Himeji-shi, Hyogo-ken 670-0927

 二十七房/Chamber27 Tattoo Studio

Tel/Fax: 079-280-2777


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© 2004 彩躯術三十六房/Chamber36 Tattoo Studio

​株式会社BURAI / BURAI Co., Ltd.

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